

McDonogh声音 is a multi-year series of learning and discussion opportunities designed to give stories about our past a greater voice in McDonogh’s present and future. 


为了配合麦当劳之声和学院150周年校庆, 我知道的地方是 a five-part series that engages the voices of McDonogh—voices that span generations and share pieces of our collective story. 由72年的Jon Aaron塑造, 他在学院的四十年里担任过许多职务, 该播客收集了120多个采访.

该系列由前高中美术老师Match Zimmerman制作 '02 who has beautifully blended Aaron’s poetic storytelling with reflections and music, 都是麦当劳社区的成员贡献的.



唤起独特的回忆和传统, this episode illustrates McDonogh's strong community bond and the School's enduring spirit.

注重个人叙述和学校的丰富历史, episode four covers tales from the symbolic registry to the clock tower — exploring identity, 转换, 以及定义麦克唐纳社区的深刻联系和故事.

从摔跤到游泳, speakers in episode three share impactful experiences that underline the School's influence on personal growth and emphasize the lifelong connections within the McDonogh community.

探索麦当劳的校园历史和自然魅力, episode two recounts cherished memories and the environmental bond among the school community, highlighting significant trees and landscapes while reflecting on the School's spirit and educational uniqueness through personal stories.

第一集讲述了麦当劳学校150年的历史. 丰富了校友和教职员工的个人故事, 我们聚焦学院从1873年成立到现在的演变, 强调其传统遗产和社区影响.




The McDonogh声音 webinar series was developed by a group of alumni historians and scholars in partnership with administrators, 工作人员, 和受托人. During the inaugural year in 2021-2022, programming focused on our understanding of history. 在2022-2023学年, 麦克唐纳之声调查了20世纪50年代到80年代的校友经历. As part of the School’s 150th Anniversary celebration during the 2023-2024 school year, 该系列的最后几次会议集中讨论了20世纪90年代至今的情况.  


主持人:Kevin Costa,创新与学习总监
Panelists: Teachers Cynthia Cox, Mickey Deegan, Nancy Fleury, Rob Smoot, and George Webb

自2014年成立以来, LifeReady has provided a “North Star” orienting McDonogh’s approach to teaching and learning. 在本次会议上, 一组教师分享了LifeReady如何影响他们的实践, and they share their thoughts about what’s in store for McDonogh’s academic program in the future.



主持人:Carol Croxton,校友活动总监
小组成员:杰克天使'18, Kimmy Hilson Carmichael '10, Dennis Chen 11, 艾丽莎·德尔加多·米斯菲尔德,12届, 埃利斯·麦肯尼15岁

Realizing the long-range goals of the 校园 Master Plan to create large communal spaces and make the center of campus free of traffic, 随着2013年内勒大楼的落成,学院发生了巨大的变化。, 爱德华街. 约翰学生中心(2013)和罗森博格校园绿地(2014). 查理·布里顿, 谁在他的任期内培养了传统与进步之间的平衡, 在2018年将控制权交给了87届的戴夫·法拉奇. 



主持人:Carol Croxton,校友活动总监
Historian: Jessica Levy '04, 普切斯学院历史学助理教授, SUNY
小组成员:Lexy Apostolou ' 01, 格雷格·伯恩斯坦07, Tory Klein Hoffberger, 09届, 马尔科姆·摩西,汉普顿08届, 和Farah Qureshi Nur ' 04

The unveiling of McDonogh’s website in 2001 launched the School into a decade of adapting to evolving technology, 拥抱领导变革, 面对经济波动带来的挑战. 



Moderator: Louis Hyman '95, The Dorothy Ross Professor of History at Johns Hopkins University
小组成员:David Holland '90, 凯莉·卡萨普,94年的乔治, 格蕾丝·杰克逊95年, 布莱恩·比利,97年, 和Jazmine Eldridge, 1999年

上世纪90年代,幼儿园的引入成为了标志, the construction of the Rollins-Luetkemeyer Athletic Center and Clarence Burke Center for the 艺术, 以及学院125周年校庆. 



主持人:Carol Croxton,校友活动总监
Historian: Jessica Levy '04, 普切斯学院历史学助理教授, SUNY
小组成员:Terry Booker ' 82, 阿尔贝托·迪亚兹,89年, 安娜·德普金,85年, 洪约翰84年, 和Aliya Qureshi Poshni, 1989年

20世纪80年代见证了艺术节目的演变, 运动的机会, 分区仪式,如闭幕式, and an intentional focus on the academic and emotional needs specific to students in each division. 



主持人:Carol Croxton,校友活动总监
历史学家:路易斯·海曼,95年, 教授兼主任, 康奈尔大学工作场所研究所
小组成员:Wally Boston '72, 伯特利·亨利,78年, LeRoy Katz, 76届, 金吉尔·库拉普卡·基纳,77年, 和诺曼·帕克73年

The dawn of this decade saw the height of anti-Vietnam War protests — epitomized by the 1970 Kent State massacre — that presaged McDonogh’s dropping of its semi-military tradition in 1971. 麦当劳于1970年完全整合, 第一位黑人毕业生走过蔡尔兹纪念露台. The economic challenges of the time helped fuel an equally major shift to coeducation in 1975. 



主持人:Carol Croxton,校友活动总监
Historian: Ane Lintvedt, McDonogh 上学校 History and Social Studies Teacher
小组成员:John Beever '50, Hank Chiles, 56岁, 约翰·西弗茨,63年, Mike Koppisch '60, 还有66岁的蒂姆·赖特

The early 1950s witnessed the continuance of the Lamborn legacy as Doc Lamborn—the architect of McDonogh’s survival during The Depression and World War II—yielded his office to his son, 鲍勃, who revamped the School’s academic program that would eventually eclipse the farm program. In the 1960s, the war in Vietnam could not muster the national unity achieved by World War II. The heroic image of the American military eroded as did the perception of the uniform on McDonogh’s campus and in the community. 也是在这段时间里, the first Black student was admitted to McDonogh under a plan of gradual integration. 



以历史研究为灵感,尼罗·罗素 和他的合作者,Naana Badu 2000 还有珍·福特, composed and performed a dance piece that explores several complementary concepts and themes. His work highlights the dichotomy and complexity of McDonogh (the person and the School), 在困难时期创造伟大的重要性, 以及对麦当劳社区未来的前瞻性展望. 



Planning for a memorial to recognize and honor the enslaved peoples of John McDonogh was in the works for nearly two decades.  During this session, lead artist Oletha DeVane and artistic historical consultants Dr. 莱斯利·金·哈蒙德博士. Lowery Sims discuss the evolution and meaning behind The 纪念那些被奴役和被解放的人.  



历史学家Ken Lipartito博士.D. 和Patricia A. 华生,Ph值.D.的研究人员和作者 成为麦当劳学校, 讨论美国的奴隶制和奴隶贸易, 巴尔的摩, 和新奥尔良, 以及约翰·麦克唐纳与它的关系. They also explain how other institutions with connections to slavery have analyzed and expressed their own pasts.



纳丁·奈特,95年, Associate Professor of English and Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at College of the Holy Cross; Jessica Levy ’04, 普切斯学院历史学助理教授, SUNY; and 上学校 history teacher John Wood provide an overview of how history is understood and communicated and how various institutions and their disciplines have evolved in their understanding of the stories they tell about people who have been overlooked.


画廊展出艺术家akea brionne

艺术家Akea Brionne是一名摄影师, 作家, 策展人, and researcher whose personal work investigates the implications of historical racial and social structures in relation to the development of contemporary black life and identity within America.  A collection of Akea’s photographs was displayed in the 塔特尔画廊 from November 15 through December 15, 2021.
